Long Covid Podcast
The Podcast by and for Long Covid sufferers.
Long Covid is estimated to affect at least 1 in 5 people infected with Covid-19. Many of these people were fit & healthy, many were successfully managing other conditions. Some people recover within a few months, but there are many who have been suffering for much much longer.
Although there is currently no "cure" for Long Covid, and the millions of people still ill have been searching for answers for a long time, in this podcast I hope to explore the many things that can be done to help, through a mix of medical experts, researchers, personal experience & recovery stories. Bringing together the practical & the hopeful - "what CAN we do?"
The Long Covid Podcast is currently self-funded. This podcast will always remain free, but if you like what you hear and are able to, please head along to www.buymeacoffee.com/longcovidpod to help me cover costs.
~ Follow me on: Facebook @longcovidpodcast ~ Instagram @longcovidpod ~ Twitter @longcovidpod ~ Website www.LongCovidPodcast.com ~ Please do get in touch with feedback and suggestions, either via the social media links or at longcovidpodcast@gmail.com - I'd love to hear from you.
The Long Covid podcast is entirely self-funded and relies on donations - if you've found it useful and are able to, please go to www.buymeacoffee.com/longcovidpod to help me cover the costs of hosting.
Long Covid Podcast
Latest Episodes
167 - Reclaiming Health and Hope with Dr. Teitelbaum

166 - "I'm Not Broken": Finding a New Perspective on Illness with Rebecca Tolin

165 - Overcoming Long COVID: Lizzie's Journey to Recovery and Resilience

164 - The Art of Listening & Validating in Healthcare with Clayton Powers

163 - Immune Boosting Strategies for Chronic Illness with Carrie Bailey part 2